Why You Should Check Out Trusted Boat Dealers When Buying a Used Boat

Aug. 31 2015 News By White's Marine Center

You’ve thought about buying a boat for a while, and now that you have saved up enough money, you are ready to make the plunge. You went to your friends for advice, and some pointed you to private owners, while others told you to go directly to a dealer. Though both have their pluses, going to a dealer benefits you in ways that a private sale will not. Here are some reasons why you should check out some boat dealers in Arkansas. 

Selection and Convenience

Boat dealers have a wider selection to choose from, which can also save you valuable time. Think about it; what if you saw a boat on Craigslist, but it wasn’t quite what you wanted. You would then have to go back to your car, get out your phone or tablet and look for another seller with a boat that may or may not meet your needs. Or you could just go to a dealer and look at twenty boats of different types all sitting under one roof.


While it stands to reason that private sellers will be honest and knowledgeable about the product they are selling, that isn’t always the case. The seller could be someone doing a favor for a friend or relative, and he or she may not have all the information that you are looking for. Boat dealers, on the other hand, are trained to know about the vehicles they are trying to sell, and are experienced enough to be able to match the right boat that meets your needs.


One thing you need to look for when on the lookout for used boats for sale in Arkansas is a copy of any records on the service history of the boat. A private owner may have them, but a dealer, such as a reputable boat dealer like White’s Marine Center, should be able to keep important records on file. Though you can usually tell by inspecting the boat, there may be some things that might be on the record that would be important to know, but that you’ve overlooked during your inspection.

Buyer’s Remorse

You bought the boat, but now you regret it. It happens. But consider this: when you buy from a private seller, do you think they will give you back your money? Probably not. Dealers, on the other hand, do have policies regarding returns, just in case you change your mind.



(Looking To Buy A Used Boat? 5 Questions You Should Ask, carefreeboater.com)