Looking at Boats for Sale in Nebraska? Heed these Money-Saving Tips!
When people talk about American pastimes, the first thing that comes to mind is usually baseball. However, another quintessentially American hobby remains popular among people from all walks of life: fishing. In fact, the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation found that in 2011 alone, more than 33 million people aged 16 and above participated in recreational fishing.
Here in Nebraska, with its abundance of lakes and rivers, casting a line continues to be a favorite activity among locals. With the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission’s announcement that applications for stocked fish are currently ongoing, even more people will be sharpening their fishing skills. The Associated Press (via The Washington Post) provided further details on this announcement:
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission has set an Aug. 1 deadline for applications to obtain stocked fish.
“The fish available for stocking typically are largemouth bass and bluegill fingerlings.
Cold-water bodies capable of supporting trout year-round may be considered for stocking of 5-inch rainbow trout.
Landowners and associations still may regulate angler access if they receive fish, but anglers cannot be charged a fee.
To download an application, go online at OutdoorNebraska.org and click on Fishing, Services, Special Fishing Forms and Documents, and Application for Fish.”
This fishing season, though, you may have finally decided to buy your own boat to further boost your haul. After all, owning a boat allows you to fish for longer hours without worrying about rental fees and deadlines. If you’re looking at boats for sale in Nebraska, here are a few money-saving tips you should keep in mind:
Consider Used Boats
A new boat certainly has its allure, but if you’re working with a tight budget, a used boat might be a better option. Trusted boat dealers in Nebraskacarry refurbished boats in excellent condition, allowing you to net a great boat at a considerably lower price.
Take Advantage of Dealer Financing
Like car dealerships, most boat dealers provide in-house financing options. Even better, some offer 0% financing in order to sell more vessels. This offer beats traditional bank financing, which can charge as much as 6% on loans.
Check Neighboring States
Expand your search beyond Nebraska’s borders. For example, White’s Marine Center, a Missouri-based dealer, offers many great deals on both new and used fishing boats.
(Source: Nebraska sets deadline for fish stocking signups, The Washington Post, July 4, 2014)