For just about everyone, boating on a nice, sunny day is a lot more enjoyable than being out in cold, stormy weather. However, sometimes it's simply unavoidable, and in those cases it's important that you take extra measures to remain safe. Bodies of water can become very dangerous places when the weather gets harsh, so consider these useful safety tips. To learn more, come pay us a visit at our location in Pittsburg, Missouri. We also serve both Kansas City and Springfield, Missouri.

1. Life Jackets Are a Must

Even when the weather is warm, you should always have a life jacket, but cold or harsh conditions make it even more imperative. Wearing a life jacket will give you a much better chance of survival if you ever end up in cold water, so make a point to ensure that everyone onboard has one on.

2. Make Your Boating Plan Known

Hopefully, nothing will go wrong when you're out boating in cold, harsh weather, but in case it does, you'll want to make sure that a spouse, relative, or trusted friend is aware of your boating plan. Give them a detailed outline of your intended route ahead of time, and if in a worst case scenario a rescue party is needed, they'll know exactly where to search.

3. Avoid Major Risks

When you're out on your boat in cold weather, avoid taking any unnecessary risks. Pay attention to the weather conditions, and if they're starting to really look dangerous, be willing to turn back to safety. Be aware of your boat's capabilities, and don't put it in any situations that it can't handle. When it comes down to it, it just isn't worth it to take the chance.

4. Hold a Safety Drill

It's a good idea with cold weather boating to ensure before departure that everyone onboard knows where key safety equipment is. Go over the location of the ladder, throwable life preserver, ditch bag, and VHF radio, and make sure that each person is aware of how to make emergency calls.

5. Bring Emergency Supplies

It's very wise to always prepare for the worst when taking your boat out, especially in cold and stormy weather. Take the time to confirm that you have extra food and drinking water, blankets, communication and location devices, extra clothing, first-aid supplies, and anything else that may be needed.

Obviously, you'll always be hoping that these safety precautions end up proving unnecessary, but if something does go wrong, you're going to be very glad that you prepared. For more info, come see us at White's Marine Center. We're located in Pittsburg, Missouri, and also serve Kansas City and Springfield.